Tuesday 16 November 2010

Film trailer

The film group kindly edited a one minute long trailer for the Communities First Partnership meeting on Wednesday 10th November.  The Partnership were very impressed with the taster and we are hopeful that everyone will come along to the film's premiere in the new year!

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Film Shoot

Hot off the press! These are pictures of the film shoot that took place in August. The cast and crew worked hard throughout the day and reports are that they managed to shoot two days worth of film so thanks to everyone who obviously put loads of effort into it.

We will keep you posted on the editing workshops due in the autumn. The workshops will be using the Photoshop Elements software and learning important editing techniques. If you are interested in this IT based training please get in touch with us on 01492 877972.

Friday 27 August 2010

Thanks to all who attended the pet photo shoot

Lots of great pictures were taken and the studio quality prints will be available very soon - we will phone you when they arrive.

Many thanks to our volunteer Mick Scraggs who offered his time and
photography expertise for free.

Tuesday 24 August 2010

The film shoot is here!

The film group are out on a secret location in Llandudno over Thursday and Friday this week. They have the storyboard, actors, crew and equipment all at the ready - catch up with them for autographs!

Post here if anyone manages to find out where they are working . . .

Monday 9 August 2010

Production Workshops week beginning 9th August 2010
Ty Hapus Community Resource Centre 10am 4pm

Contact Jayne or Dee on 01492 877 972 for further details